The hybrid rocket engines combine the advantages of both solid and liquid propellant rockets. In this type, solid fuel along with liquid oxidizer is used as a propellant. Solid fuel is packed in the combustion chamber and the liquid oxidizer is stored in the separate tank.


The liquid oxidizer which is stored in the separate tank is injected into the combustion chamber. When liquid oxidizer mixes with solid fuel in the combustion chamber, combustion takes place automatically.

When the combustion takes place in the combustion chamber, very high pressure and very high temperature gases are produced. The highly heated products of combustion gases are then allowed to expand in the nozzle section.

In the nozzle, pressure energy of the gas is converted into kinetic energy. So the gases coming out from the unit with very high velocity. Due to high velocity of gases coming out from the unit, a force (or) thrust is produced in the opposite direction. This thrust propels the rocket.


1. Speed regulation is possible by regulating the supply of oxidizer.
2. High load capacity.
3. Hybrid rockets are lighter when compared to the liquid propellant type rockets.
4. Higher fuel density
5. Since the fuel and oxidizer are kept separately, there is no chemical deterioration between fuel and oxidizer.
6. In case of an accident or crash the explosion is less destructive compared to the liquid propellant rocket engines.


1. Nozzle erosion can not be avoided.

Hybrid Propellant

Fuel- Oxidizer
1. Beryllium Hydride - Fluorine
2. Lithium Hydride - Chlorine Trifluoride
3. Lithium Hydride - Nitrogen Tetroxide
4. Hydrocarbon - Nitrogen Tetroxide


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